02 December 2008

Pimpled Face Jew

I met him at school. He was a scrawny, pimple-faced Jewish boy from Yonkers and I was 15 yrs. old and bored.We dated for less than 4 months and I took his virginity while I was also dating my first boyfriend.

We broke up because he was a jerk and cheated on me because my mother wouldn't let me go with him and his friends to Great Adventures.

I contacted him shortly after I broke up with my first boyfriend during my senior year of High School. I invited him as my date to prom but I had to take it back after my mother refused to pay my portion of prom because she was afraid he would ruin the photos. Oh it's funny now, but neither he or I thought it was back then. My mother ultimately broke us up with her constant nagging and her secret phone call to his mother pleading for her help to end our relationship.

During my first year of college I contacted him again and we hooked up a few times but never formed a relationship like the one we had when I was in High School.

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